Emotional Health Resources
The 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry We have grown accustomed to viewing the world, our lives, and ourselves through a lens of negativity—and that negativity stands in direct contrast to the passionate, purpose-filled people God wants us to be. Tommy Newberry’s message is simple, relevant, powerful, and timeless. In this New York Times bestseller, Newberry takes a single biblical principle and teaches us how one simple truth can magnify the joy we experience in our marriage, with our parenting, and in our life as a whole.
A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith
A book of truth as the author found it when she took the Bible’s promises literally, applied them to her life, and found them as true as tested steel.
A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen
More than ten million people in 106 countries have used the simple principles found in this book to eradicate the toxicity of complaining from their lives. And, as a result, they have experienced better health, happier relationships, greater career success and a significant increase in happiness. This book explains what constitutes a complaint, why we complain, what benefits we think we receive from complaining, how complaining is destructive to our lives, and how we can get others around us to stop complaining. Find out how forming the simple habit of not complaining can transform your health, relationships, career and life.
A Smoother Journey by Simon Schrock
This book is about keeping our relationships with others out of the valleys and on the mountaintops. Here is practical and profound advice, based on the Bible, for a smoother trip through life.
Accepted in Jesus by John Coblentz
Rejection is commonplace in this world. It drives many of us to become rebellious, controlling, or obsessed with our performance. But being rejected does not doom us to a life of misery and bitterness. This book points us to acceptance and victory in Jesus.
As Is by Larissa Koehn
Though self-acceptance is an important quality, most of us are convinced that there is much about ourselves to dislike. The author shares her journey of accepting herself as God made her. In this down-to-earth book, she explores three facets of life that we all face: the lies I tell myself, the reality, and how God made me just like he wanted me to be.
Anxious by Amy Simpson By the author of Troubled Minds. Are you a worrier? Worry causes us to lose sleep, to lose our appetite, or to be restless and yet paralyzed at the same time. What does God say about worry? There is appropriate fear and clinical anxiety. The author seeks to divide between those and the worry that most of us deal with – the kind God would have us leave behind. This book points us to the Bible, where God reassures us and asks us for a faith-filled, trusting response.
Barriers to Happiness and Victory by Arverd Wiggers
This little book was written out of a desire to help those who are struggling to find the lasting happiness and contentment that God has in store for His children. Emotional distresses are touched on. Overcoming through faith in God is emphasized.
Beauty for Ashes by John Coblentz
Practical and biblical help for those who have suffered sexual abuse. Some of their sufferings are explained, as well as the lasting emotions they deal with. A step-by-step approach is used, with exercises for the abused one to go through. This book is a recommended help for mature, born-again adults.
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three couples have engaged in physical violence. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain’s natural neuroplasticity. Based on Dr. van der Kolk’s own research and that of other leading specialists, The Body Keeps the Score exposes the tremendous power of our relationships both to hurt and to heal—and offers new hope for reclaiming lives.
Boundaries by Henry Cloud and David Townsend
Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of your life and set healthy, biblical boundaries with your spouse, children, friends, parents, co-workers, and even yourself.
A workbook is available to go with this book. Other books on boundaries by the same authors, include Boundaries in Marriage, and Boundaries with Kids.
Brain Lock by Jeffrey M Schwartz
Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D., presents a simple four-step method for overcoming OCD that is so effective, it’s now used in academic treatment centers throughout the world.
The Emotionally Destructive Relationship by Leslie Vernick Leslie Vernick, counselor and social worker, has witnessed the devastating effects of emotional abuse. Many, including many in the church, have not addressed this form of destruction in families and relationships because it is difficult to talk about. With godly guidance and practical experience, Vernick offers an empathetic approach to recognizing an emotionally destructive relationship and addresses the symptoms and the damage with biblical tools.
Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa TerKeurst
Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can’t go on like this, but you don’t know what to do next. Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled through this journey. But in surprising ways, she’s discovered how to let go of bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgiving people who aren’t willing to make things right.
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your spouse. Other versions of the love languages address singles, children,, teens and more.
Free Indeed by David G. Burkholder
Jesus said, “If the Son… shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Certainly He came to set our spirits free, but what does that do for our emotions? How do we deal with worry, stress, injustice, disappointments, depression, bitterness? This book does not pretend to offer all the answers to every possible problem we might face. But it does offer us resources to draw from, and it points to the One who not only has the answer but is the answer!
Getting Along at Work by Caleb Crider
If you want to nurture good relationships at work, this book is for you. This book talks about the challenges of working with others and the blessings in store for those who apply biblical principles to those relationships.
Getting Along With People God’s Way by John Coblentz
We all have relationships with other people but of what sort are they? Do our relationships matter to God? Boundaries are lines of respect; barriers are lines of resistance. Inspirational and practical, this book points us to the life and teachings of Jesus, who modeled perfectly the way of peace.
Grace and Healing for Wounded Souls by Greg Dyck
Comfort and healing that come from the loving Healer and Father, the God of Heaven.
Grace Enough by Janet Martin Sensenig
The life story of Emma Good as she faces the hardships of raising her family without the help of a faithful husband. With God’s help, she tries to cope with sadness in her marriage and the needs of her children.
Gray Matter by David I Levy
When neurosurgeon Dr. David Levy decided to ask his patients whether he could pray with them prior to surgery, he had no idea what to expect. This book is the author’s testimony concerning the power of prayer and forgiveness.
Healing for Damaged Emotions by David A. Seamands
Those of you who seek healing for your damaged emotions will find a sense of clarity in this book. David Seamands gives you excellent pointers from a Godly perspective of how you can start tackling your painful experiences by pressing into God`s word. He not only gets to the point of how to deal with them but demonstrates, step-by-step a practical way of navigating the reader to look into their hurt and heal from it. Even as Christians, we still face different struggles and setbacks that can hinder us in our walk with Jesus. When we take the time to personally reflect on our pain, as shown in the book, and allow God to work in us, we can definitely walk on a road to recovery.
How Can Anyone Say God is Good? by Gary Miller
Nick is fed up with life and aggravated by the simple-minded people who believe in a supreme being in spite of all the agony and chaos around them. He begins to see things differently when he meets someone who is terminally ill.
How to Win Over Depression by Tim LaHaye
If you or a loved one struggle with depression, whether mild or sever, Dr. Tim LaHaye assures you that there is a way to overcome those dark, hopeless feelings–even if previous counseling hasn’t helped.
Living a Pure Life by John Coblentz
In this book you will find the principles and guidance of God’s Word regarding moral purity. It faces honestly what happens when moral sins are committed and lays out the requirements for dealing with sexual sin.
OCD A Workbook for Clinicians, Children and Teens by Christina J Taylor
A user-friendly, creative and interactive book to help children and teens take control of OCD.
Overcoming Inferiority by Sara Nolt
Falling into the trap of comparison, Sara became all too familiar with inferiority. But she found victory and wants others, especially young women, to find it too.
Putting Off Anger by John Colbentz
Anger and bitterness bring many people into bondage. This book offers scripture-based guidance for overcoming anger with faith, love, and forgiveness.
Running On Empty by Jonice Webb, Christine Musello A book about Emotional Neglect: an invisible force from your childhood which you can’t see, but may be affecting you profoundly to this day. It is about what didn’t happen in your childhood, what wasn’t said, and what cannot be remembered. Running on Empty will give you clear strategies for how to heal.
Secure in the Everlasting Arms by Elisabeth Elliot
Faith and trust in an almighty and loving God are emphasized in this book.
Slaying the Giant by French O’Shields
This book contains practical help for understanding, preventing, and overcoming depression. The author, who experienced debilitating depression. Two foundational themes of the book are using the truth of God’s Word and learning responsibility for what one allows himself to think.
Switch on Your Brain by Carolyn Leaf
According to researchers, the vast majority–a whopping 75-98 percent–of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. Supported by current scientific and medical research, Dr. Caroline Leaf gives readers a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns.
Telling Yourself the Truth by William Backus & M. Chapian
How to be genuinely happy by dealing with our “misbeliefs” according to Bible guidelines. Learning to deal with your thoughts is the first step on the road to healthy thinking.
The Bait of Satan by John Bevere
You will get ideas on how to stop being suspicious of others, how to regain trust after someone deeply offends you, what to do in order to stop rehearsing past hurts, and much more.
Troubled Minds by Amy Simpson
How is a church to provide help for those with mental illness? The author shares some very personal experiences that are helpful in understanding those going through anything from simple depression to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This book is not about providing diagnosis, professional therapy or medication, but about how a church can work with the professionals and minister to these people and their families.
When Others Make Your Life Difficult by Daniel Miller
This small, practical book uses scripture and Bible-based teaching to help us cope with difficult relationships. It points toward forgiveness and seeing the offender as God does. To respond with active grace is a high calling!
Unless listed otherwise, these books are available from one of the following websites:
Xray Questions.
By David Powlison
“why did I do that?” Why do you react that way? Use those words and that tone of voice? Think those things? Feel this way? Remember that particular facet of what happened? Make that choice in this situation? Anticipate those possible outcomes?
Depression and Anxiety
By Brian Decker
At a time of sudden tragedy or acute physical illness, there is an immediate response by others, even strangers, to jump in with a concerted, all-out effort to help. This is the way it should be. In these types of situations, the trouble is obvious, and we naturally care. However, there are other tragedies and disorders—no less painful—that are suffered valiantly and patiently but, too often, alone. When a problem is chronic, those observing tend to move on with their lives. When a problem is hidden, others are not even cognizant of its existence. And finally, when a problem is complex and filled with misery, the natural human response is to walk away because it is too uncomfortable to look at. Nobody wants to change their cozy world view. This would entail a level of vulnerability that few are willing to hazard. It just might hurt too much, or it might cause too much inconvenience. The easy way out is to go into denial mode, as the priest and the Levite did in the account of the good Samaritan. Today, you are invited to take the risk of opening your mind to the realities of suffering. This time, the type of suffering being considered is mental/emotional disorders. Although many types will be mentioned, depression and anxiety will be examined the most.
Depression and Loneliness- Possible Causes:
- We think we can take care of ourselves and do not need others.
- We are separated by technology, each immersed in our own flickering screens.
My Journey out of Perfectionism and Depression
Writer’s name withheld upon request
I am going to start with telling a little about myself. I am 49 years old. I grew up in a very conservative Christian home. Very structured. Meals and family devotions only varied a few minutes from day to day. If you were supposed to be in the barn at 6:00 am you were there and taught that you should always be 5-10 minutes early. I was converted around 13. I was very conscientious and was often troubled because I thought I had to live perfectly. I had a tremendous fear of doing wrong.
Websites and Programs
Therapy worksheets, audio, activities and more
This program provides you with a holistic approach to enhancing the mind and body. Their educational materials are based on solid, documented scientific research and presented in an interesting and understandable way for both the professional and the layperson.
My Anxiety Plan (MAP) is an anxiety management program based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), an evidence-based psychological treatment. MAPs for Children and Teens, Adults, and Educators are easy to navigate and helpful for those with mild to moderate anxiety.
Note: This free program is self guided and takes commitment and self discipline.
www.dbt.tools DBT is a therapy program designed to help clients who struggle with depression and anxiety. These clients sometimes find it difficult to continue living. DBT is based on the Biosocial Theory and is intended to help those who are highly sensitive to their environment, are highly reactive to events, often become overwhelmed with emotion, and are slow to return to calm. Their childhood environment may have been invalidating or chaotic. Many of these clients have experienced some form of trauma, and may seek perfectionism. Clients learn that emotions are normal and natural, they learn new skills and how to apply them in all contexts of their lives. Clients may not have caused all their problems, but they learn to solve all of them anyway.
The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS) is a drug-free, self-directed program that uses the principles of neuroplasticity to help reverse limbic system impairment in the brain, and to regulate a maladapted stress response involved with many chronic illnesses. Instead of chasing symptoms, the DNRS approach directly targets brain function in order to regulate a maladapted stress response, which is often the missing piece for people suffering with chronic illness. The DNRS program teaches you how to rewire the limbic system and change the structure and function of your brain. This allows your body to move from a state of survival to a state of growth and repair, where true healing can take place.
Two brothers from Australia: One an ex-depression-sufferer, the other a counsellor disenchanted with the current mental health industry.