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Support Groups Defined
What exactly is a support group? Who needs one? Who creates them? How can they succeed, and what does that look like? (And may I please have one? Because that sounds nice.) As Christians, we are called to come alongside each other. To comfort, educate,...
Preparing Children for Battle- Teaching Resiliency
re·sil·ience/rəˈzilyəns/ noun: resiliency – the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems. Gever Tulley Resiliency. It seems some people got it,...
Far Far Greater
"So what is your view of God?" asked the doctor. This was not what I was expecting to hear. I had come to the walk in clinic terrified--at the complete end of myself. After years of fighting inside my mind, I was giving up. I couldn't do it anymore. I guess I just...
He wasn’t quite 6 years old. He was spending the weekly one-hour session with his therapist. He walked over to the dollhouse and proceeded to remove all the walls and doors. He then buried them in the sandbox. Then he commenced to play happily and freely. Before the...
The Growing Pains of Growing Brains
I am sharing this because it explains things that I didn't know before I started studying it. When parents realize that brain pruning is a real thing, I think it's easier to talk gently and be more understanding. It's not always because the tween is willfully...
Addiction- Self-Worth
I wish to make a disclaimer. I am not a learned person on this topic. I believe in an inner directing voice, but not all inner voices are good voices. There is the Spirit of Christ that urges us. Before either buying in, or else discarding what is written as rubbish,...
The Cellar
"Nothing has changed," I tell myself. “Things are the same as they were before.” This is the line I preach over and over to myself, hoping to convince my mind to believe it. The inner conflict feels like a summer thunderstorm overhead; rolling and sweeping across the...
Loaves and Fishes
“It’s not your job to feed the five thousand. You only need to provide the loaves and fishes. -quoted by Dallas Jenkins I picture the crowds milling around Jesus and the disciples on that hillside. What were the thoughts of some of the people in that crowd? Did...
The Devil in the Ditch
A Balanced View of Mental Health Preamble There is no doubt a greater awareness of mental health in our church circles, as well as in the world around us, than in the past. We have made strides towards a better recognition of not only the physicality and fallibility...
Today we stand in a long corridor, with lots of doors. Some are closed, some swing idly on their hinges while others stand slightly ajar. Most doors are nondescript with little marking. Some of the doorknobs show evidence of daily use, while others appear tarnished...