More About Jesus

“When can I go to Heaven?” asked Andrea. “I want to go so bad!” A recent Sunday School lesson had inspired her longing, and all week she had been asking about

Thoughts on Adoption

Adoption is a calling. It is not to rescue, it is not to grow our family, it is not to be noble, and it is not for the adventure. It may start with those desires, but we must let go of our agenda and yield to God’s. This foundation of submission is paramount for every adoption. This is not about me. The calling may be a quiet nudge or a returning thought. When you know God has led you there, the road is easier to walk graciously. After we have been called to adopt, every step we take must be, “Not my will, but Yours, dear God”. Many times a day we prayed, “God, help us find our family”. We were deep into international adoptions twice and both times were led somewhere else. As we made the steps toward each of our children, there was the absolute confidence that come what may we had made the right decision for that day. It is so important that our adoptions sprout from a place of rest and not of striving. Remember friends, Jesus is redemptive. If we stepped into adoption with selfish motives He is able to redeem.

Listen to a child explain developmental trauma from their perspective.

Karyn Purvis gives some excellent thoughts on how the church can help with healing.

The Insights and Gifts Series by Dr Karyn Purvis

This is a series of mini videos featuring the gifts we need to give and the insights we need to parent children from hard places.

Ryan and Kayla North spent 10 years as foster parents and learned many of the things they share with families, churches, and schools living what they have learned.

They are co-founders of One Big Happy Home and are considered experts on childhood trauma. Together they have developed training materials and programs for churches, schools, and parents educating them on trauma and its impacts.

Our resources for children from hard places can be accessed here.

Click here for some great resources for teachers and school boards who have children in their classrooms who were adopted or are being fostered.